Social Action

The Social Action Committee endeavours to provide members and friends of Grand River Unitarian Congregation opportunities take part in social action consistent with and flowing from Unitarian Universalist principles. The committee does so by: informing the Congregation of areas of social concern, suggesting ways in which the Congregation can take action to rectify social injustices and by sponsoring and supporting groups organized to deal with social problems.

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This year, as last year, our focus has been on issues related to mental health and housing security. This has included: a supportive relationship with the residents of Supportive Housing of Waterloo (a project housing 30 people who were formerly homeless many of whom have addiction and mental health issues), organizing participation by congregants in a local Habitat build, organizing letter writing campaigns to politicians regarding increased support for affordable housing and arranging for guest speakers from the Canadian Mental Health Association.

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Food security issues are a continuing focus for the committee and include participating in the annual food drive for the Food Bank and monitoring the congregational food pantry.

Annually the Social Action Committee organizes a Fair Trade Coffee House which raises funds to support the work of USC Canada and offers a chance to buy fairly traded products.

The Social Action Committee also supports a community centre in our neighbourhood.

To learn more about this committee please email